Stage Two of the TransRockies Classic was a 75km journey from K2 Ranch to Nipika Mountain Resort. Leaving the Purcell Mountains behind, riders headed east into the Rockies. The route initially followed an active mining road before turning up a drainage that eventually petered out in to a degraded 4×4 track and finally onto a historic First Nations Trading trail as it crested the summit of Tegart Pass. Expansive views of the Royal Group peaks greeted racers as they descended to the Kootenay River Valley and on to Nipika Resort where cold beverages, a swimming hole and ample leisure activities awaited. |

Photo credit John Gibson
Lindsay Ford from Calgary who is currently sitting in second place in the Open Women’s field, had a strong ride today. Here’s what she had to say about today’s stage, as told to Barry Wicks: “My favourite part of the day was riding past Tim Hortons during the neutral roll out this morning and seeing all the bikes lined up out front. I bet most of them were not from Canada. The climb up over the pass was great. When the intention of the ride is to traverse from a specific place to another, route possibilities expand. I’d never think to go ride what we did today on a weekend, but doing it as part of the race experience was awesome. I got a new bike and thought I’d sign up for a seven day stage race. I haven’t really raced very much, but I really love riding my bike and it seemed this would be a good way to do a lot of that.” Stage Three of the TransRockies Classic consists of a 41km time trial, and the first day of wire to wire racing without neutral sections, all on the world class singletrack trails of Nipika Mountain Resort. Racers will enjoy another leisurely afternoon and night at the resort after what is certain to be an amazing day on the trails. |

Photo credit John Gibson